Anđelija Vujović top model actress and our citizen of the world
It’s a well known fact that some of the most famous and celebratet faces in worldćs modelling scene came from this area, but one always stood up from the mass for it’s unique beauty and charisma, for it’s specific fashon expression, refined fines but with a firm attitude and multi talent that stand behind. And that is exactly Andjelija Vujovic, a forever fashion scene girl and a huge inspiration.

Andjelija was born in Belgrade but since the age of five she lived in Africa, attended high school in the USA, ruled the world’s most prestigious catwalks and fashion magazines, was acting in TV shows as in movies, sucesfuly finished Master studies, refusedcruising of a hip-hop legend 2Pac Shakur, because long time ago she decided to go for a diffrend vibe and sound as in music so in life.
People like her are hihgly needed in such turbulent times, when fashion industry is moving fast, losing it’s course from time to time. People like her are bringing back the faith in the expression itself and the beauty of the idea of beauty, because that’s what fashion is all about- a game of beauty we live in.

1. For a change, what would you like for people to ask you?
I am really into complex questions which although are fashion related are inspiring you to think. I do believe that such questions are more appropriate to me due to the fact that I’m in fashion industry for so long so therefore I can’t observe it all in and linear kind of way. And regarding it all I had so many linear questions during my career so far, so questions from this interview are really a refreshment.

2. What is the best way to preserve self-confidence and positive attitude on life, work, career and goals in general which you have discovered so far?
You boost self-confidence throughout life itself but you get fundaments within your family, so the role of parent is the key point. And your self-made self-confidence you preserve by faith. I think you should never stop believe in yourself, in love, in people, justice and in old saying that someone from above sees it all. Along with faith, trying hard is crucial so the reward always comes at the end of it all.

3. Why do people think they can change?
Once I read that if you want to change someone, first you have to think how difficult is to change yourself. And hard it is, but not impossible. For making a change you need conscience, desire and a firm character. Of course, I’m talking about changing the character and the essence of being, but life changes and it automatically requires us to change, reshape and adapt. Personally I find it trivial to go through life as a mute observer and I think you should constantly work on how to become the best version of yourself.

4.Have you ever been put to the pressure to maintain a certain weight because of work? What do you think, how agencies should put themselves regarding models and high criteria to which models are faced related to their health?
I have never had such a problem but many of my colleagues did have it. When I started doing modelling I had faith that agencies are there to take good care of us but it wasn’t always the case. As in life, you’re up to yourself, to pave your own path, make decisions and you have to be prepared. When you put it like that, modelling is just a job as any other job.

5. Fashion is a separate form of artistic expression. What are your likes and dislikes according to that fact?
Fashion is something that is here to make our lives more beautiful and to simply make us happy. You should play with it and you also should take only what you personally need from it, because we all have different needs. That is exactly why I don’t like to make a big philosophy out of it.

6. Nineties nostalgia is making its major comeback/ What do you think, why were nineties so influential when it comes to fashion? Why that decade made such a great impact overall?
Time of great innovations and discoveries when it comes to fashion is far behind us so getting back to a certain decade from time to time is quite logical if you ask me. Personally, I’m not a nineties fashion era fan because it is a messy mix of all the elements that previous époques gave us and which got ruined additionally by cheap looking details which were brought into fashion by hip-hop.
To me, eighties were the absolute best because they represent fashion era of elegance and structure, vivid bright colours, statement jewelry, lacquer stilettoes, miniskirts and black tights. Woman never looked so powerful and so sexy as in the eighties.
In both cases I talk about fashion industry, of course, not street style.

7. How has your personal expression throughout fashion and style evolved, considering the fact that you are still very active in modelling, as a columnist, on your blog, you do acting as well and those are all spheres which are flirting both, with aesthetics itself and with personal expression?
I grew up in the eighties and fell in love in that powerful fashion which I just mentioned before, and during the nineties instead of hip-hop I started listening to heavy metal and stepped into the completely different story which shaped me for life. Rock elements are the inevitable part of my style expression and mixed with some elements taken from the eighties are really making my style to be as it is. So my personal would be rock-glam and it will stay there.

8. What is your utopia?
World peace.

9. If you have an inner spirit animal what would it be?
I have two, a Capricorn and a tiger.

10. How would you describe this phase of your career?
In this period, I’m less active in the modelling then I used to be during the past 24 years, because it is completely natural. I still do modelling but I carefully chose on which project to work since I don’t have much of a free time. I grew up, finished my both Bachelor and Master studies and I started being interested to become an expert in some other areas of expertise. But this is just a current mood since I do belong to fashion and throughout blog that I plan to start I will be in almost similar but also very different role from being a model.

11. So what is the next thig we can expect from Andjelija Vujovic?
As I mentioned a blog as a logical continuation of my love for fashion and fun.

Author Jelena Soldatović
Interview with Anđelija Vujović
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