Julia Hosiner
Living on a fast lane is yesterday’s news. Craving for beauty no matter the cause, no matter the expression or having a common sense as well. But the world keeps on turning and we all get stuck in between the ethereal fight between the right and wrong. Some once said “Somewhere beyond right and wrong there is a garden. I will meet you there”.
But good news is that the world and people in general are waking up. Slowly, mostly with their eyes closed, but waking up. And who or what is in charge for such thing? You see, in old times people used to believe in angels, but now we believe in strong will, having a voice, a strong personal expression which is directing you to lead the right way. And don’t forget, among it all, we talk about fashion here. And the role of fashion was and always will be immerse no matter the time, no matter the place I our very existence. It simply makes every aspect of our lives and realities more beautiful. Therefore, we need certain people who inspire us, who are those voices showing and leading the way whilist pushing the boundaries in a subtle way. One of those is a young Berliner Julia Hosiner or better known as Jularsdiary. A stylish to bits’ brave young women with refined sense of style art and the art of living itself. Her aesthetic is simple, honest, inspiring and minimalistic. She knows fashion and she knows how to balance it whilist living a life she loves and enjoying her job. And at the end, isn’t that synergy all that we’re looking for? Live what you love and love what you live. And don’t forget to do it with style and in a fashionable way.

1. We are who and what we are and aesthetics and ideas you’re sharing with your numerous admirers are clearly telling us a story on the fact that being true about yourself represents the honesty of expression that modern days are lacking of, especially on Instagram. So how do you manage to stay true to yourself, to the public eye and still be successful in what you do? Is honesty still the best policy?
First of all, thank you for following my journey and reading my postings so carefully. Such loyal supporters keep me going.
You’re right, Instagram is used in many different ways and we all need to figure out what suit us best, in terms of what we share but also who we follow and if it feels good to follow certain accounts or people. If you keep this in mind, Instagram can be quite a pleasure. It can provide you the platform which I felt I needed: to be my creative but also thought-provoking playground. Luckily the combination of informative and visual stimulating content is very well received by my followers.
2. Your sense of aesthetics, visual storytelling and fashion, along with personal style are making a perfect artistic fusion. Where do you find the inspiration?
I love being a creator. Since I am a visual person, I have some sources of inspiration like nature, art, architecture, Pinterest and numerous other beautiful accounts on Instagram… But sometimes I just dream to myself and in my dreams the idea, the vision arises.
Another huge source of inspiration for me are positive vibes. Positive minded people are such driving forces for me, and I strongly believe that much more can be achieved together by supporting each other.

3. How important art is to you, because it seems that it makes a big part of your life?
As I already mentioned art is one of my inspirational sources, especially beautiful colour combinations like those from Monet or Matisse let my eyes and heart dance.
But besides that, I see art as freedom, a connector between paradoxes where artists are showing us the world from a completely different perspective and giving us the space to follow our own but also their imagination.
4. How would you describe your personal style and point out what’s truly important to you while falling in love in some piece of clothes?
My style does indeed depend on my mood, but on the whole I would describe it as timeless with a certain twist. I love pieces who can be styled in different ways, elegant but also suitable for every day. Very important for me is also the quality, I have always an eye on the composition of the materials. I would also describe myself as a collector of fashion pieces, because the rarer the piece is available, the more my interest is aroused.

5. You’re advocating for sustainability in fashion which is becoming a burning subject in the industry. Do you think that sustainable fashion is the future direction where fashion industry is moving to, and why is it important to you?
Sustainability in fashion is indeed an emerging topic and I am very happy about it. A lot has happened in the last few years, while ten years ago it was not a trend, fortunately it is part of the good tone. I hope there are more to come.
Nowadays the tide has turned a little bit and more and more influencers, even big names (Julie Pelipas, Doina Ciobanu, Xenia Adonts, just to name a few) draw attention to the consequences of fast fashion. This is unfortunately also bitterly necessary, because the consumer-rich 90’s will present us with some problems in the future (and the rest ofc).
And I recognized that I forgot 'Acne Studios' in my list of favourite designers.
From the influencer perspective I think that there are many like me in this industry who really have their passion for fashion and love what they are doing but deeply feel sad about the fatal effects the fashion industry causes our planet.
I cannot stand the pictures from millions of abandoned warehouses full of clothes who must ‘disappear’ when they lose trend. I cannot stand the pictures of more fires, floods or other natural disasters because we don’t care about our planet. I am worried about the world our children have to live in.
That’s why I see it as our responsibility (those who work in fashion) to educate and build bridges to unite sustainability and fashion.
6. Health and slowing down are also something that you’re talking about. Do you think that getting back to health is actually the biggest upcoming trend?
Well, a healthy lifestyle is not a trend from yesterday, I think. It lasts already several years, but one significant change I did recognize in the past 5 years: in times of social media it is getting harder to calm down because it makes everything super-fast. Slowing down is therefore a much-needed necessity.
I recently read an interesting article on this subject in which it said: avoid ‘infobesity’ – stop bingeing mindlessly on too much information and instead decide what is priority, curiosity or creativity.
7. What do you think of current fashion trends and who are your favorite designers?
Let me explain my thoughts using the example of Bottega Veneta: Of course, the fashion world went crazy when talented Daniel Lee presented his first collection for Bottega Veneta – it was exactly what fashion lovers were looking for and the right timing (after Hedi took over Celine, buuuh…). I was flashed as well by his designs, but now the collections are coming too fast for my taste. Pieces are available in big amounts and you can spot designs from ‘older’ collections already on Vestiaire & Co. in order to gain money for the new collection.
In my opinion the desire in these items is thus lost.
Favourite designers: The Row, Jil Sander, Phoebe Philo (who announced today that she is readying her own collection with an eco angle. Happz for that!), Chanel, Petar Petrov, Bevza, Rokh, Jacquemus, Stella McCartney, Cecilie Bahnsen, Peter Dox, Khaite NY, Acne, Proenza Shouler, Marni, Mach&Mach, Maja Weyhe, Celine Aagaard and many more.
8. If you could choose one person from the past to have a coffee with, who would it be and why, and would it be just a coffee?
It definitely would not be a coffee date since I don’t drink it haha. But I would choose a drink with Bob Marley because this guy is a real legend for me who revolutionized the world with his music.

9. What style advices would you give to our readers?
Style expresses who we really are, so don’t let yourself guide from trends. Be unique.
Buy conscious. Invest rather in a few high-quality pieces then in a full closet of fast fashion.
10. Can you name five things you can’t live without?
Leo!, Love! Sun!, Travelling and lip balm

11. Do you believe that love can save the day?
Being a romantically inclined person, my answer is YES!
Author Jelena Soldatović
Interview with Julia Hosiner
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