Sanja Papić
The new age brings some new values, fears, desires and aspirations as it comes. But, our inner essences should remain intact, they will survive, modify themselves and find a way to be and become good both for themselves and for those they truly care about.
In a conversation with the most famous Serbian Miss Sanja Papić, we will discover the advantages and disadvantages of beauty. The importance of love and devotion to principles and family, as well as why the skill of life is closely related to the desire and satisfaction in helping. What new projects do he have in mind about fashion and what is important to devote to during a pandemic.
But, perhaps the most important thing is to see the limit in the upbringing and shaping of some new girls who, in addition to applications and the concept of virtual beauty that eerily annoys us in all its superficiality from social networks, must learn in time how to actually look in the mirror.
It’s not exactly paved with gold every time, but it’s our view of the same one that sets us apart from the crowd.

1. Nowadays, the cult of beauty is something that is aimlessly pursued at all costs, even if one's identity is lost. How would you describe the difference between true, natural beauty and fabricated, and how much beauty has opened a door for you, and maybe even closed it? Is it easier to walk through life with long legs?
The cult of beauty is nowadays a frustrating manifestation of a new concept of beauty that came to life with the popularization of social networks and the emergence of a new "virtual beauty". Virtual beauty is a form of psychological revolution of understanding it, less dangerous for us in some more mature years, but quite fatal for girls and girls who are in the process of knowing their personal "I" and accepting the beauty that nature has given them. Personal identity is threatened by an irrational notion of beauty based on filters and virtual beauty programs available to girls at an early age - the moment a mobile phone is available to them. And so, with the magical help of various programs and applications, females have an ideal virtual version of themselves that they want to present to the virtual world while their other "I" in the mirror looks different, so we come to the problem when a person from the mirror has to step into reality. its virtual, superior “I” resides, communicates, and presents itself and exists only within the mobile device. It is a new war of today that we women are waging with ourselves, while the youngest ones can get lost in this trap and thus very severe consequences are born for their mental health: insecurity, depression, aggression
The epitome of "beautiful girl" or as they say a beauty diploma in the form of the title "Miss" came to me quite early, at the age of 18, when we women are still in the phase of physical and certainly mental maturation. I think the result of my upbringing is the fact that I never experienced myself as the most beautiful nor did I put beauty in the foreground. I think that in fact, even after a series of beauty pageants and titles that followed, I was always partly insecure about it and the door that beauty opened for me was a ticket to a world of diverse opportunities, acquaintances, travel and priceless experiences. The choice for beauty itself is very demanding and carries many responsibilities, considering that it is not a casting for an advertisement or a fashion show, but a choice in which a large number of professionals participate - from psychologists, choreographers, designers, magicians in the world of show business. in addition to your beauty, it is extremely important that they profile your personality.
Life is strange, your question is nice and it sounds like a compliment so in accordance with the question, I will give you the answer. Long legs are, yes, always making big steps. But also falling down when legs are long sometimes hurts unbearably. And it is sometimes very difficult to make steps with my legs, but there were also great life "parades". In the end, every step is mine, guided by good intentions and belief in the correctness and good of the same. And I respect and love every step. Step by step, and life goes on like that.

2. How do you manage to defend your essence from prejudices and how difficult is it to protect privacy today in a time of excessive curiosity and social networks?
My privacy is my essence of everything. I have outgrown the "child goddess" prejudice in public business long ago.
3. Being successful in business and accomplished as a parent seems very difficult nowadays when everything has become too fast and demanding than ever. How do you do that?
I am engaged in a job that brings beauty and happiness into other people's lives and makes me and my child happy and fulfilled. Dealing with tourism and the Maldives as a destination is an extremely demanding job nowadays, but at the same time it is a job that has brought me and Larry a lot of beauty.

4. Fashion has always been a part of your life, just as you have always been a part of fashion. What is fashion for you and how important is it to you?
Fashion is a personal experience of ourselves, our personal stamp. I think the notion of fashion matures with age. In addition to what we wear, fashion is also the way we live, our behavior, social intelligence and self-esteem, the choice of friends, associates ... it is our microworld that exudes energy and values that we nurture. It's all fashion.

5. Has your style changed with age and personal growth and development and in what respect?
Fashion is a personal experience of ourselves, our personal stamp. I think the notion of fashion matures with age. In addition to what we wear, fashion is also the way we live, our behavior, social intelligence and self-esteem, the choice of friends, associates ... it is our microworld that exudes energy and values that we nurture. It's all fashion.
6. What do you think is the balance of a perfect day and do you believe in the magic of those little things?
Absolutely. In my twenties I used to make up and wear only high heels ... Today I am a supporter of comfortable footwear and wardrobe, minimal makeup but also extreme glamor when the opportunity arises. Bags and jewelry are my absolute fetish.

7. Given that you have a daughter; what advice would you give to today's girls? What do you think is the real value that makes you your own?
The perfect day is colored by energies that intertwine and make our soul calm and content. My baby's smile and hug, morning coffee without haste, a job that inspires me, and communication with a small but select circle of people and their well make my day beautiful. My day is always further enhanced by a photo sent to me by clients from the Maldives. I belong to the type of people who know how to enjoy other people's happiness. For me, happiness is contagious. The magic of small things is in fact a secret - a beautiful word, fasting and every gesture of attention are precisely those little magical things that make the world more beautiful and make us better people.

8. What is Sanja Papić currently doing and can we expect a project related to fashion in the future?
For the last three years, my primary business activity has been in the field of tourism as a specialized travel agent for the Maldives. I do this job out of love and I treat every detail and organization of my dream trip with great care every day for every client who trusts me. I think I managed to create a unique brand in our market and in the region, when it comes to traveling to this fairytale destination.
In the field of fashion, my “Petit Bikini” swimwear line will come to life this season and it is a new kind of business challenge.

9. How easy and how demanding is it for you, and what do you consider your greatest strength?
Lara is my life and an uncompromising reason to be strong.

10. Do you think that the consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic will change people and relationships? Does the new reality bring us more or less possibilities?
I try to protect myself from all negative information since we live in the sea of the same. It is my principle throughout my life not to look "in someone else's yard" and so on Corone19 - throughout this period my focus is on my family and the people I love, their health and the healthy relationships between us. A pandemic is a big blow when it comes to business. However, we are all on the same "ship", in the same kind of uncertain issues. This situation, depending on the way we consume it, has brought either a lot of bad or a lot of good into interpersonal relationships - the excess of free time that everyone used in the way they wanted and the choice is not based on material possibilities and differences but on the essence - some moved further and some irreparably moved away. In the 21st century, when we all live in a constant business struggle, you have to admit that one kind of luxury is to stay home, with family, return to some basic life obligations, fix what is wrong ... of course, I say all this from the perspective of someone who is lucky did not lose anyone close to the cause of Corona-19. I am terribly sorry for all those who suffered the consequences of this ruthless virus. Every historical period in which human lives become a statistic is catastrophic ... and we are just living it.

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