Detox water
As health awareness was unfortunately brought into spotlight not by society’s choice, but by misfortunate case called Coronavirus we’re all isolated and quarantined. Well let’s hope we are. And all of a sudden besides just looking gorgeous we desperately intend to stay sane and healthy on the inside as well. And all of a sudden we’re all health and kitchen gurus, or living room gods and goddesses. But to stay healthy or to speed up any recovery process, from broken heart to need to see the one or ones you love you need to do these three things: to laugh, to sleep and to drink. Well type of drink is optional my dear but I was thinking water. You know, good old stay hydrated and detox thing. Why? Because you need to stay sane for the better days to come, and clean body leads to clean mind.
Detox water, or water for detox is nothing but water flavored with vegetables, fruits, or herbs. This water is good for body detoxifying process, it helps in stimulating metabolism and eliminates fluid which directly affects water retention and bloating.
In order to prepare detox water, first thing is that it must be cold, you can also place ice or refrigerate it for several hours or all night. You will need fresh, seasonal vegetables, fruits or citrus fruits for this water. You can use strawberries, oranges, watermelons, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi, pineapple, and generally speaking any fruit of your choice. As for vegetables and herbs, there is also a wide selection - carrots, cucumbers, celery, fennel, mint, etc.
It is necessary that fruits or vegetables should be well washed, cut into pieces and placed in a glass jar. Feel free to use jars and fruits or veggies which can be pressed lightly with a spoon to release some juice. Pour in cold water and allow it to stand overnight to permit the fruit or vegetables to release their juices and flavors. After being left overnight, the detox water is ready to use. It can be drunk during the entire day, but it can also stand for two or three days. It is not necessary to add any sugar in such water, moreover, it is not even recommended. But if you just want a sweet(er) taste, use natural sweeteners.
Here are some ideas on how to make detox water:
Orange water detox:
1 orange
1 lemon or lime
1 carrot

Water detox with cucumber and herbs:
1 cucumber
1 lemon
a few leaves of mint or basil
raspberries or strawberries of your choi

Pineapple and grapefruit water detox
2, 3 slices of pineapple
1 lime
1 grapefruit

Water detox with watermelon
1/2 slice watermelon
a few leaves of mint
1 avocado
1 lime

Detox water with strawberries and blueberries
1 lemon
a handful of strawberries
a few leaves of mint

Author of text: Denic Saska
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