White shirt - never outdated classic
The white shirt is an unrivaled classic and is worn throughout the year, and is suitable for every season and every occasion. It has been very popular for a long time, and so it will remain because it is a timeless model that will always be trendy. A white shirt is a thing that definitely every man should have in his closet.
It can be combined with a good jeans and a black blazer or, for example, with whiten jeans and a simple white T-shirt in the style of James Dine and an inevitable black leather biker jacket. A white shirt is a truly diverse piece of clothing and real investment.
Sometimes finding a shirt that fits perfectly is a real challenge. It should not be worn, nor too big a shirt. The spacing between the buttons should not make a visible opening and a "window" toward the chest, and when you drag a shirt out of the body with a light movement, the distance between the body and the fabric should be about 5 cm, and between the collar and the door it should be without problems to have two fingers when the collar is fastened to the end.

The suture should lie right on the shoulder bone and the length of the sleeves and the area around the armpits should not limit the movement of the arm. Sleeves must be neither too narrow nor too wide, they must feel as free movement as possible. The snuff should end several centimeters above the wrist and should not reach the point where the palm goes to the forearm.
Author of text: Denic Saska
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